2614 JOIN [dbo].[Inv_AeX_AC_NT_Services] svcs ON svcs.[_ResourceGuid] = vc.[Guid] AND UPPER( svcs.[Name] ) = 'W3SVC' JOIN [dbo].[Inv_AeX_AC_Identification] id ON id.[_ResourceGuid] = vc.[Guid] WHERE -- ensure the machine is local vc.[IsLocal] = 1 AND -- ensure the machine is managed vc.[IsManaged] = 1 AND -- see if this machine is not a NS vc.[Guid] NOT IN ( SELECT [_ResourceGuid] FROM [dbo].[Inv_AeX_AC_Roles] WHERE [Role] = N'Altiris Server' ) AND -- ensure that the machine is not already a task service computer vc.[Guid] NOT IN ( SELECT vps.[ResourceGuid] FROM [dbo].[vActiveTaskServiceComputers] vps ) AND -- see if this machine has proper OS ( -- Win32 OR Win64 vc.[System Type] LIKE 'Win[36]_' AND ( -- Windows XP SP2, Windows XP SP3 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE 'Microsoft Windows XP' AND vc.[OS Revision] LIKE 'Service Pack [23]%') OR -- Windows Vista SP2 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE 'Windows Vista%' AND vc.[OS Revision] = 'Service Pack 2') OR -- Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE 'Windows 7%' AND vc.[OS Revision] IN ('', 'Service Pack 1')) OR -- Windows Server 2003 SP2, Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE '%2003%' AND vc.[OS Revision] = 'Service Pack 2') OR -- Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 SP2 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE '%2008%' AND vc.[OS Name] NOT LIKE '%Core%' AND vc.[OS Name] NOT LIKE '%R2%' AND vc.[OS Revision] IN ('', 'Service Pack 2')) OR -- Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 (vc.[OS Name] LIKE '%2008 R2%' AND vc.[OS Name] NOT LIKE '%Core%' AND vc.[OS Revision] IN ('', 'Service Pack 1')) ) ) AND -- ensure the agent is the proper version cast( substring( replace( replace( invca.[Product Version], ' ', '' ), ',', '.' ), 1, 3 ) AS float ) >= 7.0 UNION SELECT cm.[ResourceGuid] FROM [dbo].[CollectionMembership] cm WHERE cm.[CollectionGuid] = 'ECDBDB8D-7386-482E-96A6-AE5E5FB94AF0' AND cm.[ResourceGuid] NOT IN ( SELECT vps2.[ResourceGuid] FROM [dbo].[vActiveTaskServiceComputers] vps2 ) ]]> 1 or CAST(t1.[Build Number] as int) < 1301) ]]> 2614) ) ) ]]> 3000 AND LOWER(i.[OS Name]) LIKE '%linux%' AND r.IsManaged = 1 ]]> = SUBSTRING ('7.1.7580.0',0,LEN ('7.1.7580.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.7580.0')) + 1) JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac ON ac._ResourceGuid = ir.Guid AND ac.[System Type] IN ('Win32','Win64') ]]> '3A264BC7-52F6-4197-ACB9-F179AEF5E7F0' -- Default Software Update Agent Configuration Policy Target AND pr.Enabled = 1 ) AS p ON p.ResourceGuid = a._ResourceGuid WHERE a.[Agent Class Guid] = '37D25576-7845-42A5-991C-D08D55D44414' -- Windows Software Update Agent AND a.[Product Version] LIKE '7.1.%' -- all 7.1 Agents AND a.[Build Number] > 3000 -- 7.1 SP1 Agents only AND p.ResourceGuid IS NULL -- Exclude resources already included in other Patch Agent Policies (cloned from Default, etc.) ]]> = 15280 and vr.IsManaged = 1 and vr.IsLocal = 1 and ( ident.[System Type] = 'Win32' OR ident.[System Type] = 'Win64' OR ident.[System Type] = 'win32' OR ident.[System Type] = 'win64') ]]> 2614) ) ) ]]> = 15280 and vr.IsManaged = 1 and vr.IsLocal = 1 and ( ident.[System Type] = 'Win32' OR ident.[System Type] = 'Win64' OR ident.[System Type] = 'win32' OR ident.[System Type] = 'win64' ) ]]> = 2316 ) ]]> 3000 AND ( i.[System Type] = 'Win32' OR i.[System Type] = 'Win64' ) AND r.IsManaged = 1 AND ret.Guid IS NULL -- exclude the retired machine ]]> [dca2_AeX AC Client Connectivity].[Lan]) AND ( ([dca3_AeX AC Identification].[System Type] = N'Win64') OR ([dca3_AeX AC Identification].[System Type] = N'Win32') OR ([dca3_AeX AC Identification].[System Type] = N'win64') OR ([dca3_AeX AC Identification].[System Type] = N'win32') ) ) ) ]]> 1 or CAST(t1.[Build Number] as int) < 1301) ]]> 2614) ) ) ]]> 3000 AND LOWER(i.[OS Name]) LIKE '%linux%' AND r.IsManaged = 1 ]]> = SUBSTRING ('7.1.7580.0',0,LEN ('7.1.7580.0') - CHARINDEX ('.',REVERSE ('7.1.7580.0')) + 1) JOIN dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac ON ac._ResourceGuid = ir.Guid AND ac.[System Type] IN ('Win32','Win64') ]]> '3A264BC7-52F6-4197-ACB9-F179AEF5E7F0' -- Default Software Update Agent Configuration Policy Target AND pr.Enabled = 1 ) AS p ON p.ResourceGuid = a._ResourceGuid WHERE a.[Agent Class Guid] = '37D25576-7845-42A5-991C-D08D55D44414' -- Windows Software Update Agent AND a.[Product Version] LIKE '7.1.%' -- all 7.1 Agents AND a.[Build Number] > 3000 -- 7.1 SP1 Agents only AND p.ResourceGuid IS NULL -- Exclude resources already included in other Patch Agent Policies (cloned from Default, etc.) ]]> Updating Windows Patch Filter Collections]]> Updating Windows Patch Resource Targets]]> =0 union select distinct nd.[_ResourceGuid] from Inv_AMT_Computer_System nd where dbo.oob_CmpVer(case when dbo.fn_OOB_CountCharOccurance(ISNULL(nd.[Version], '2.0.0'), '.') = 0 then '2.0.0' else ISNULL(nd.[Version], '2.0.0') end, '4.0.0')>=0 union select distinct rt.[_ResourceGuid] from Inv_RTCI_AMT_Miscellaneous rt where dbo.oob_CmpVer(case when dbo.fn_OOB_CountCharOccurance(ISNULL(rt.[Version], '2.0.0'), '.') = 0 then '2.0.0' else ISNULL(rt.[Version], '2.0.0') end, '4.0.0')>=0 ) v join vComputerResource r on r.Guid = v._ResourceGuid where r.IsManaged=1 ]]> 0 ]]> 1 and sss.[SCA Install Status] <> 0 ]]> Updating Red Hat Linux Patch Filter Collections]]> Updating Red Hat Linux Patch Resource Targets]]>