RabbitMQ|Nodes|rabbit@rmqmsg04:contexts=[{"path": "/", "description": "RabbitMQ Management", "port": 15672}, {"path": "/", "ignore_in_use": true, "description": "Redirect to port 15672", "port": 77777}] RabbitMQ|Nodes|rabbit@rmqmsg04:auth_mechanisms=[{"enabled": true, "name": "PLAIN", "description": "SASL PLAIN authentication mechanism"}, {"enabled": true, "name": "AMQPLAIN", "description": "QPid AMQPLAIN mechanism"}, {"enabled": false, "name": "RABBIT-CR-DEMO", "description": "RabbitMQ Demo challenge-response authentication mechanism"}] RabbitMQ|Nodes|rabbit@rmqmsg04:applications=[{"version": "3.0.0", "name": "amqp_client", "description": "RabbitMQ AMQP Client"}, {"version": "5.7.1", "name": "inets", "description": "INETS CXC 138 49"}, {"version": "2.14.5", "name": "kernel", "description": "ERTS CXC 138 10"}, {"version": "4.5", "name": "mnesia", "description": "MNESIA CXC 138 12"}, {"version": "2.3.1-rmq3.0.0-gitd541e9a", "name": "mochiweb", "description": "MochiMedia Web Server"}, {"version": "2.2.7", "name": "os_mon", "description": "CPO CXC 138 46"}, {"version": "3.0.0", "name": "rabbit", "description": "RabbitMQ"}, {"version": "3.0.0", "name": "rabbitmq_management", "description": "RabbitMQ Management Console"}, {"version": "3.0.0", "name": "rabbitmq_management_agent", "description": "RabbitMQ Management Agent"}, {"version": "3.0.0", "name": "rabbitmq_mochiweb", "description": "RabbitMQ Mochiweb Embedding"}, {"version": "2.1.10", "name": "sasl", "description": "SASL CXC 138 11"}, {"version": "1.17.5", "name": "stdlib", "description": "ERTS CXC 138 10"}, {"version": "1.9.1-rmq3.0.0-git52e62bc", "name": "webmachine", "description": "webmachine"}, {"version": "1.2.10", "name": "xmerl", "description": "XML parser"}] RabbitMQ|Nodes|rabbit@rmqmsg04:exchange_types=[{"enabled": true, "name": "topic", "description": "AMQP topic exchange, as per the AMQP specification"}, {"enabled": true, "name": "fanout", "description": "AMQP fanout exchange, as per the AMQP specification"}, {"enabled": true, "name": "direct", "description": "AMQP direct exchange, as per the AMQP specification"}, {"enabled": true, "name": "headers", "description": "AMQP headers exchange, as per the AMQP specification"}]