Request certificate from the Linux Team. steps once we got the certificate were as follow from the data directory on the Master Agent --import cert to user_keystore file keytool -keyalg RSA -keystore user_keystore -genkey -alias automic -validity 1095 Hint - use real password #list content of keystore keytool -list -v -keystore user_keystore -storepass password --populate user_keystore_config file echo "your_password" > user_keystore_config **Check to make sure the password file looks ok. Open and remove any unecessary characters. chmod 600 user_keystore_config chmod 600 user_keystore cd $AW_HOME/web/classes java -DAW_HOME={$AW_HOME} -cp AppWorx.jar:uc4-ra.jar com.appworx.util.EncryptKeystoreFile password # check that password got encrypted cd $HOME cat $AW_HOME/data/user_keystore_config Copy the user_keystore and user_keystore_config files to the remote agent(s) data directory